How to Self-Love: Doing this every morning will brighten your day

How to Self-Love: Doing this every morning will brighten your day

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porta, odio vitae tincidunt pharetra, mauris urna mollis urna, eu luctus leo lorem non nisi. Pellentesque auctor, est eget eleifend placerat, massa augue rhoncus enim, in tempus lorem sapien sit amet tortor. Ut sit amet risus vestibulum, dictum ligula quis, porttitor lorem. Sed elit est, pulvinar sit amet imperdiet et, posuere nec justo. Aenean sed efficitur ipsum. Aenean lectus leo, mollis elementum orci vitae, semper sollicitudin elit. Aenean non enim a velit pharetra tempor. Nulla eu tempor augue. Etiam sit amet condimentum mauris. Donec non augue nec nunc luctus fermentum.

Vestibulum eleifend turpis ut commodo dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mi risus, cursus sed urna vel, varius euismod nunc. Fusce pulvinar dignissim massa, ac consectetur lacus facilisis eu. Sed gravida, dolor et iaculis pharetra, elit est maximus risus, id blandit quam tellus sit amet odio. Quisque consectetur elit fermentum nulla commodo, eget fringilla leo malesuada. Nunc vestibulum porta dui sit amet interdum. Sed eget mauris eu sem sollicitudin pellentesque. Sed pretium cursus diam, a varius elit volutpat quis. Quisque auctor vitae massa et maximus. Nullam et vehicula sapien. Nam iaculis, sem in placerat scelerisque, magna tellus ornare arcu, non tempus velit tellus eget ipsum. Mauris dolor neque, pharetra et sem porta, blandit dictum sem. Pellentesque malesuada sagittis consectetur. Fusce eget ultrices erat, sit amet aliquet massa.

New Year’s Resolutions Usually Fail?! Why?

New Year’s Resolutions Usually Fail?! Why?

It’s that time of the year… Time to start making our New Year’s Resolutions! Every year, we get pumped up about the new year. We say “This is it! I’m turning over a new leaf!” and set new goals to be a better person. However, research shows that more than 80% of new year’s resolutions get abandoned by February. What is the reason behind all this?! How do we stick to our goals?

One of the main reasons people who fail to stick to their new year resolutions is that they try to change their BEHAVIORS but forget to work on changing their MINDSET or SELF IMAGE. You can never outperform your self-image. This is because the way we see ourselves impacts the way we think, feel, and behave. Our subconscious minds will always find a way to lead us back to how we see ourselves and how believe we are worthy of deep down.

For example, if a person who is overweight tries to lose weight by going on a diet but still identifies as “a person who likes to eat junk food”, they will never be able to experience the long-lasting transformation they desire. Every time they see a bag of chips or a slice of cake, they will habitually want to reach for it because their subconscious mind will try to find a way to get back the weight. Those who successfully lose weight and get fit experience “a complete lifestyle change“. They not only build new healthy habits but also do inner work and start seeing themselves as “a person who lives a healthy lifestyle“.

Therefore, new year’s resolutions should go beyond learning a skill, traveling somewhere, building new habits, etc. I suggest that you should always think about what kind of person you want to become and the lifestyle that the ideal version of you lives. Then, commit to LEARNING, DOING, and eventually LIVING it!